Alexander Kamiński, Developer in Warsaw, Poland
Alexander is available for hire
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Alexander Kamiński

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Warsaw, Poland
Toptal Member Since
January 14, 2018

Alexander believes that the method and pattern implemented are crucial, more so than the language and framework used, so he's comfortable with switching technologies often. In his 15 years of professional experience, he's worked on web projects, games, and tools in the most popular programming languages. 亚历山大特别喜欢挑战,并在最不正统的项目中茁壮成长.


Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, Node.js, React, PostgreSQL, Makefile, Docker...
JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Alpine.js, Node.js, React...
React, Redux, Ruby on Rails (RoR), GraphQL, Apollo, Node.js, Full-stack...




Preferred Environment

Emacs, Linux, MacOS, TypeScript, Full-stack

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Full Stack Developer for an Enterprise Platform Solution

2022 - 2023
  • 领导了一个多月的工作,将公司复杂的前端库设置从React 16更新到React 18, which included resolving dependencies, refactors, re-configuration utilities, and gradual release of updates to ensure a smooth transition.
  • 对前端和后端系统进行性能分析和调优. 这包括消除React渲染瓶颈,提高PostgreSQL在结构和查询层面的性能.
  • 开发并交付前端和后端功能,显著改善产品的整体用户体验.
  • 疑难解答文档设计集成问题,确定并解决了几个以前未发现的问题.
  • 解决端到端测试过程中出现的不正常问题,确保产品稳定可靠.
  • Created several QOL utilities for developers, 包括一个跨应用的JavaScript库链接器和一个数据库快照, which helped streamline the development process and provide faster feedback.
  • 对多级特性进行深入的代码评审,并向团队成员提供建设性的反馈, ensuring high code quality.
  • Provided help and guidance to colleagues in relevant areas of expertise.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, Node.js, React, PostgreSQL, Makefile, Docker, Docker Compose, Cypress, SQL Performance, Ruby Performance, Code Review, Toolkits, API Integration, Test-driven Development (TDD), Jest, RSpec, Redux, SQL, Shell, Front-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Regex, Ruby, Distributed Systems, OAuth 2, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, Functional Programming, ECMAScript (ES6), Storybook, Redis, Playwright, Document Parsing, TypeScript, Webpack

Senior Front-end Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • 为一个内部项目原型设计并监督一个小团队实现UI.
  • Researched and advocated libraries used for the UI project.
  • Planned and implemented the project deployment method from scratch.
  • Implemented API integration on the front-end project.
  • Trained and coached fellow team members in tooling and front-end design.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Alpine.js, Node.js, React, Front-end, Shell, Architecture, REST APIs, API Integration, Jest, Code Review, Regex, Distributed Systems, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, Functional Programming, ECMAScript (ES6)

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2021 - 2021
  • 基于React提供的设计,为前端应用程序实现可视化和逻辑组件.
  • Designed and implemented a communication API layer on the front and back end.
  • Extended the existing back-end system to incorporate the newly developed module.
  • Implemented an extensible integration mechanism on the back end. Offered general consulting on system design and planning.
  • 重构了一个正在运行的集成,作为新模块下的示例实现.
Technologies: React, Redux, Ruby on Rails (RoR), GraphQL, Apollo, Node.js, Full-stack, Front-end, Shell, Architecture, Management, REST APIs, Integration, SQL, Jest, Test-driven Development (TDD), Code Review, Ruby Performance, Regex, Ruby, OAuth 2, Python, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, ECMAScript (ES6), Storybook, Redis, Tailwind CSS

Senior Full-stack Lead Developer

2019 - 2021
Undisclosed Fortune 500 Toptal Client
  • 使用React和Redux开发了多个面向客户端的交互式功能,包括Three.js for 3D models.
  • 领导通过重构现有代码库来升级软件堆栈,同时删除过时的系统组件.
  • 设计并部分实现了内部API通信的新合约.
  • Worked on improving development process by modernizing documentation solution, review and deployment process as well as optimizing team's sprint schedule.
  • Coached fellow team members on React development, intrinsic integration details as well as best practices.
  • 提倡从经典的逐页开发到React栈的栈转移开发的现代化.
  • 与业务部门合作,为各种业务相关的特性和其他开发工作提供计划和评估.
  • Made performance reporting and fixed bottlenecks using profiling, dry code analysis, and SQL query optimization.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Redux, Webpack, Storybook, Redis, Docker, RSpec, AVA.js, Playwright, Lodash, Three.js, SQL, Node.js, Full-stack, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end, Shell, Architecture, REST APIs, API Integration, Toolkits, Code Review, Ruby Performance, Regex, Ruby, Distributed Systems, OAuth 2, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, ECMAScript (ES6)

Software Engineer and Acting CTO

2018 - 2018
Undisclosed Toptal Client
  • 与首席执行官和首席营销官合作,为第一轮融资创建MVP.
  • Created the full-stack MVP with Elixir. GraphQL backed the back end and Bootstrap 4 connected the front end.
  • Owned the design development process along with implementation.
  • Decided on the tooling used for various design and implementation elements.
  • Interviewed and provided guidelines for the interview process of new hires.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Design Patterns, Functional Programming, Docker Compose, React Apollo, Phoenix, Redux, Regex, Storybook, Webpack, ECMAScript (ES6), React, GraphQL, Elixir, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Full-stack, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end, Shell, Architecture, Management, REST APIs, API Integration, Integration, SQL, OAuth 2

Software Engineer Consultant

2018 - 2018
Undisclosed Toptal Client
  • 使用Ruby开发跨不同语言的语法分析工具的原型.
  • 为各种语法分析器和带有各种级别可选自动校正的分析器提供了公共层.
  • Connected the prototype result to GitHub APIs, allowing instant result and correction options through GitHub's web UI.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, Docker Compose, Distributed Systems, Regex, Abstract Syntax Trees (AST), Docker, JavaScript 6, JavaScript, Node.js, Shell

Software Engineer Consultant

2013 - 2017
  • 设计和实现与各种用户相关服务一起使用的用户帐户服务.
  • Conducted game progress and saved data analysis using R.
  • Designed and maintained the workflow for game deployment.
  • Developed and maintained the Q&A infrastructure of the game dev and web-related features.
  • 通过网站开发、电子邮件活动和数据切片来支持营销.
  • Built various game-related modules used by Unity-backed games.
  • Developed support tooling to be used by the game devs in the Unity environment.
  • 使用Elixir/Phoenix构建分析数据消费和转换端点.
  • 在开发Unity包管理器期间管理工具团队,在CTO休假期间管理营销团队.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, Abstract Syntax Trees (AST), Webpack, jQuery, Linux, Distributed Systems, Regex, PostgreSQL, D3.js, Phoenix, Elixir, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Full-stack, Redis, Front-end, Shell, Management, REST APIs, API Integration, Integration, SQL, Test-driven Development (TDD), Toolkits, OAuth 2, RSpec

Project and Technical Manager

2010 - 2012
Voxcommerce Group Sp. z o.o.
  • 为开发团队设计软件,通过实现存根和原型进行开发.
  • Solved implementation roadblocks by providing guidance, coaching, and solutions to technical challenges.
  • Conducted business client analyses for new and existing clients.
  • Managed projects from the project acquisition until the successful delivery.
  • Planned and implemented software development processes.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, jQuery, Linux, Distributed Systems, Ruby, Regex, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Django, Python, Full-stack, Management, REST APIs, API Integration, Integration, SQL, Shell, Code Review, Front-end, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Software Engineer

2008 - 2010
Voxcommerce Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Developed software with PHP for the real-estate industry.
  • Built CRM systems using self-developed frameworks.
  • Implemented direct client-to-server software related to a website design.
  • Set up and maintained servers infrastructure, i.e., cluster of dedicated servers.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, Linux, Distributed Systems, Regex, jQuery, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, Full-stack, REST APIs, Integration, SQL

Sample PDF Generator
示例PDF Generator为开发人员提供了一种工具,该工具可以轻松生成具有具体参数的视觉上不同的PDF,用于设置具有精确参数的简单和复杂QA测试场景, such as the number of pages or file size.

Interactive Product Showcase - Build Your Roof
展示产品的多步骤交互式构建器,既可以作为通用解决方案使用,也可以作为具有高度定制性的嵌入式小部件使用. My main challenges were ensuring choice compatibility, providing easy-to-use API to external vendors, providing a customization layer, and integrating a 3D model into the application.

Implementation of Pikchr diagramming language using tree-sitter library/toolkit. 实现非常简单,并且基于官方语言规范, but it includes extra tokens and some precedence rules.

Elixir Library for Semantic Markdown
A self-made and published library for parsing markdown in Elixir language.



Seyph | Game

A fully in-house developed Unity game that was made as a software project.


The project included full architecture setup, project planning and documentation, implementation with a managed team, and deployment on the App Store.


This code isn't runnable per se, as it's part of a bigger project. 这是Dragon natural speaking接口的本地适配器的实现, which I also designed.

Broadly speaking, 它用于隔离应用程序之间的通信,并为分布式部署做好准备. The initial implementation focused on a local-only implementation, i.e., a project compiled from sub-projects into smaller projects by an integrator.

SBQL Implementation in Ruby
这是用Ruby语言实现的SBQL,也是我在波兰-日本信息技术研究所的硕士论文的一部分. While this selected project is non-commercial, it was the only one that can be shown in which I implemented a query language.

A Sample of Query Language Implementation
一个内部搜索引擎的部分搜索查询语言实现项目. 该项目的目标是为支持操作员提供搜索复杂数据结构的能力,同时熟练且易于使用.


ECMAScript (ES6), Regex, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, SQL, Elixir, GraphQL, TypeScript, JavaScript 6, Rust


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Redux, OAuth 2, Phoenix, Jest, Django, AVA.js, Tailwind CSS, Cypress


React, Node.js, Lodash, REST APIs, Playwright, Three.js, D3.js, jQuery


Emacs, Docker Compose, Webpack, Shell, Makefile, RSpec, React Apollo


DRY, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Design Patterns, Functional Programming, Metaprogramming, Management, Test-driven Development (TDD)


PostgreSQL, SQL Performance, MySQL, Redis


OOP Designs, Full-stack, Front-end, Distributed Systems, Document Parsing, Architecture, API Integration, Ruby Performance, Code Review, Integration, Storybook, Abstract Syntax Trees (AST), Apollo, Alpine.js, Toolkits


Docker, MacOS, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

2013 - 2013

Certification in Business Training

TenStep Poland Trainers School - Warsaw, Poland

2009 - 2011

Master's Degree in Software and Database Engineering

Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology - Warsaw, Poland

2007 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Management in IT

Warsaw Management University - Warsaw, Poland

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