Luke Wyatt,美国马萨诸塞州昆西的开发者
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Luke Wyatt

Verified Expert  in Engineering

iOS, Android和软件开发人员


Luke从事软件开发已经超过14年了. 经过四年的全栈工作, he transitioned to Android development and incorporated iOS into his repertoire. 他已经为许多客户交付了项目, 包括渐进汽车保险, 蓝十字蓝盾团.截获制药公司和美国军方. Luke曾担任首席开发人员和应用程序架构师, 与知名应用合作, managing teams, 确保最佳实践.


Android, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, Java, Git, Objective-C...
Android, iOS, Unity, C#, Kotlin, Swift, Java, RxSwift, 反应性编程...





Android, iOS, Android Studio, Xcode, Swift, Kotlin


...consumer app I've developed is the Hal Leonard 乐谱直销 app for Android and iOS. 它得到了维护.7星,1300 +评级.

Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
  • Assisted clients in developing their product vision using up-to-date best practices.
  • 为世界级的Android和iOS应用程序开发架构和代码, 将它们从概念带到发行.
  • 为Stanley Black交付项目 & 德克尔,在线融合公司.吉他技巧有限责任公司等.
技术:安卓, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, Java, Git, Objective-C, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), 库模式, GraphQL, UIKit, Agile, 敏捷软件开发, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth, Core Bluetooth, Unit Testing, Xcode, Android Studio, CI/CD Pipelines, Bitrise, Encryption, XML, JSON, Networks, Networking, Network Stack, REST, APIs, PDF, 反应性编程, RxSwift, LiveData, Flutter, Firebase, 重火力点分析, AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync, Architecture, REST APIs, Secure Storage, Admin Panels, 原生手机应用, API Integration, RxJava, Video Streaming, Android API, Mobile Apps, 测试驱动开发(TDD), iPadOS, 集成测试, Auth, GPT, 自然语言处理(NLP), 生成预训练变压器(GPT), 自动化测试, Collaboration, Android架构组件, iOS Frameworks, Android应用设计, iOS API, iOS App Design, Accessibility, Mobile


2016 - PRESENT
  • 领导iOS和Android开发团队, 开发和初始化项目结构, 识别特定模块, 并分配给开发人员.
  • Vetted and hired developers and created and enforced coding standards through code reviews.
  • Met with potential clients to assess their requirements on a technical level, 帮助制定有详细里程碑的时间表.
  • 向进步汽车保险公司交付项目, Hal Leonard, 马萨诸塞州蓝十字蓝盾协会, 剑桥移动远程信息处理, 拦截制药, 剑桥Biomarketing, Motif Micro, 以及美国军方.
技术:安卓, iOS, Unity, C#, Kotlin, Swift, Java, RxSwift, 反应性编程, PDF, YAML, SDKs, APIs, UDP, 传输控制协议(TCP), TCP/IP, Networks, Networking, Network Stack, JSON, XML, JavaScript, Room, Encryption, Bitrise, CI/CD Pipelines, Fastlane, Android Studio, Xcode, Unit Testing, UIKit, SwiftUI, Android Jetpack, Jetpack Compose, 库模式, Objective-C, Git, 重火力点身份验证, Firebase实时数据库, Architecture, Mapbox, Mapbox API, REST APIs, Secure Storage, Back-end, Admin Panels, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), API Integration, 原生手机应用, WebSockets, RxJava, Video Streaming, Android API, Audio, Mobile Apps, 集成测试, iPadOS, 测试驱动开发(TDD), iPad, Auth, Computer Vision, 自动化测试, Collaboration, TypeScript, Android架构组件, 安卓系统架构, iOS Frameworks, Android应用设计, iOS API, Apple Maps API, Accessibility, Mobile


2023 - 2023
  • Navigated a complex policy regarding accessibility privileges successfully and restored the app to good standing in the Play Store.
  • 通过修复漏洞使应用程序现代化, 将应用程序从Java迁移到Kotlin, 并实现了MVVM架构.
  • Implemented automated tests and mentored other developers on best practices.


2012 - 2015
iozx, LLC
  • Created, developed, and maintained several profitable products and apps.
  • 负责创造的各个方面, 包括体系结构, design, promotion, 质量保证.
  • Contributed to apps ranging from an in-bar trivia game that was sold to several local restaurants and several other games using various game libraries like libGDX, Unity, 和原生Android.
  • Developed and published an exercise tracker, language tutorial game, and background manager utility.
技术:Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, Agile, 敏捷软件开发, Algorithms, Android, Android SDK, Android Studio, APIs, Agile Sprints, Database Design, Databases, 数据库结构, Data Structures, Encryption, 重火力点分析, Firebase, Firebase云消息(FCM), FL Studio, Git, iOS, Java, JavaScript, JSON, LiveData, Logic Pro, Networking, Networks, Network Stack, Objective-C, Python, 反应性编程, 库模式, REST, RxSwift, SQL, Swift, 传输控制协议(TCP), TCP/IP, UDP, UIKit, Unit Testing, Xcode, XML, CI/CD Pipelines, 人工智能(AI), 机器学习, Unity, C#, LibGDX, Back-end, Mobile Apps, Collaboration, Mobile


2012 - 2015
  • Oversaw the implementation and bringing to market of a very profitable slot machine app that accrued over 1 million downloads called SpinToWin Slots.
  • Assisted with managing the QA department and implemented maintenance and new features.
  • Helped to maintain and develop a high-traffic server implementation using Apache Tomcat and AWS.
技术:安卓, iOS, Apache Tomcat, Git, Swift, Kotlin, Java, UIKit, XML, JSON, Agile, 敏捷软件开发, CI/CD Pipelines, Encryption, Networks, Networking, Network Stack, APIs, MAVLink, Architecture, Mobile Apps, Collaboration, 自动化测试, Mobile


2008 - 2013
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
  • Took responsibility for designing and creating all new software and programming projects, 包括面向客户的网站.
  • Served as a lead database designer/administrator, including SQL development.
  • Was responsible for maintenance and upgrades to existing PHP/JavaScript codebase in both internal and customer-facing websites.
  • Received Employee of the Quarter recognition for my work developing some critical infrastructure software on time and bug-free.
技术:JavaScript, JSON, MySQL, SQL, Databases, Database Design, MSSQLCE, PHP, PhpMyAdmin, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Architecture

I played a vital role in implementing and completing a new feature for Progressive Auto Insurance Company. 我和一个开发团队一起工作, designers, and project managers to deliver a complex new feature to the 进步的快照 app. 我为这款应用的iOS和Android版本设计了代码, 使用测试驱动的架构开发可靠的代码, 并与全球约6名开发人员组成的团队合作. 我们能够按时交付给一位非常感激的客户.

I managed a team of several Android and iOS developers to write a new Android app and update an existing iOS app. I guided them through architecture best practices and helped them deliver a solid product. They reported to me for guidance on code structure and coding standards. 乐谱直销 is a native iOS and Android app that allows users to purchase and view the sheet music for over a million arrangements. Users can manage their sheet music and play through it using MIDI instruments with various settings and options.

I implemented and completed a vital new feature for the 马萨诸塞州蓝十字蓝盾协会 MyBlue mobile app and developed and delivered a critical ID Card viewing feature. 使用现有的代码库, I rapidly adapted and integrated a new feature that was critically needed. All code went through and passed a strenuous examination by the client's technology and security team, 我按时将新功能交付给了一位满意的客户.

I played a vital role in implementing and completing an exciting new app for TrueMotion Inc. 我和一组设计师一起工作, data engineers, 项目经理在应用程序中构建几个流程. I provided input and guidance regarding UI design and user experience and delivered robust, clean, 并及时将经过良好测试的代码交付给满意的客户. 我们在紧迫的期限内完成了一件很棒的产品.


A native Android and iOS app for monitoring family members' location and driving habits. I took over development for the Android app and assisted with developing the iOS app. 我添加了几个新功能, 清理了一箩筐的漏洞, and we delivered a significantly improved product that went on to help the company achieve a very favorable buyout.


An app designed for dentists and orthodontists to manage their patients' Invisalign Braces treatment. Healthcare providers can use the app to take and manage images of their patient's mouths and teeth to facilitate the procedure and order equipment. I led a small team of Android and iOS developers to deliver a well-architected and extensible MVP app which the client would then complete, 依靠我们的最佳实践来指导他们的发展.


A Swift-based iOS app and Kotlin-based Android app which allows bike riders to control a wide range of wireless, 支持蓝牙的电子自行车部件. I worked in the front-end group adding new features for upcoming products and fixing bugs with existing products.


Kotlin, Swift, Java, SQL, JavaScript, XML, YAML, PHP, HTML, C#, Python, Objective-C, GraphQL, CSS, TypeScript


UIKit, Core Bluetooth, Android SDK, LibGDX, Unity, Flutter, SwiftUI, Bootstrap, iOS Frameworks


RxSwift, LiveData, AWS Amplify, Mapbox API, REST APIs, RxJava, Android API, Auth, Android架构组件, iOS API, Apple Maps API


Git, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, FL Studio, Logic Pro, Xcode, Android Studio, 重火力点身份验证, 重火力点分析, AWS AppSync, PhpMyAdmin, Fastlane, Firebase云消息(FCM), Apache Tomcat, Android Jetpack


模型视图视图模型(MVVM), 敏捷软件开发, Unit Testing, REST, 反应性编程, Agile, Database Design, 测试驱动开发(TDD), 自动化测试


Android, iOS, Firebase, Mobile, Bluetooth LE, Bitrise, Mapbox, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)


JSON, Firebase实时数据库, Databases, 数据库结构, MySQL, MSSQLCE


库模式, MAVLink, CI/CD Pipelines, Encryption, Room, Networking, Networks, Network Stack, TCP/IP, 传输控制协议(TCP), UDP, APIs, SDKs, PDF, Agile Sprints, iOS Camera, Algorithms, Data Structures, Architecture, Jetpack Compose, Bluetooth, 人工智能(AI), 机器学习, Secure Storage, Back-end, Admin Panels, API Integration, 原生手机应用, WebSockets, Video Streaming, Audio, Mobile Apps, iPadOS, 集成测试, iPad, 自然语言处理(NLP), Computer Vision, Collaboration, GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Android应用设计, iOS App Design, 安卓系统架构, Accessibility

2004 - 2008





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